Thursday, August 20, 2009

Operation Nice

Ok, Ok I have a confession to make... I am not always NICE!!! It's not that I have a terrible attitude towards life in general but more often than I like I quickly jump to criticise others and myself for that matter. I have realized this about myself and have really noticed just how "not nice" I can be. I have a habit of saying what's on my mind wether it's good or bad and I know this can hurt people. I don't want to be some grumpy old woman one day that has been in a terrible mood for the last 30 years. I don't necessarily let this behavior show in front of others. Sometimes it's just negative thoughts. I'm tired of it. I know I am the only one who can change this behavior in my mind. I also feel as if I am not the only one guilty of this behavior. It shows almost everywhere you go.. the beauty shop, newspapers, the news, social circles... negativity can find you anywhere you go and eventually corrupt minds.

I like to go back to what my Mother always said, "If you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything at all". I had a very quite evening of getting my hair done this past Tuesday. I usually gossip in there. I told Kimberly why I was so quiet and she laughed and we found something nice to talk about.

Here's a tip I found: If you find yourself thinking poorly about someone, don't worry; you're not a terrible person because we all do this from time to time. However, try to catch yourself doing it, and think of something nice about that person instead. It'll help you look at people more positively, and you'll quickly break the habit of seeing the worst in someone.

I think that's a good place to start.

Random acts of kindness... that's my next goal. has an area where you can download "nice notes", I have printed some and so can you. They can be left anywhere and be used to say Thank You or just to tell someone how nice they look today, maybe without letting them know who told them that.

I can't wait to see what a nice person I turn out to be :)

"Don't give up! Bad habits don't change without much perseverance." I'll keep that in mind!

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