Monday, December 27, 2010

Calling All Jars... To The Basement!

The Christmas holiday is over. We got home from Sunday school and church and something clicked. Something that clicks about this time every year. The subconscious urge to get organized. I don't know if it's a subliminal superstition that things need to be put away, floors need to be swept, empty canning jars to the basement, or if it is simply a mental reasoning, "every thing's in it's place" feeling that I need when a new year is coming. Either way... it has to be done before the stroke of midnight on January 31st.

I actually think I did read the superstition once, maybe in a feng shui book I picked up while trying to cleanse my home. I, to this day, after reading a small belief book of red doors and plants in certain corners, have nothing under my bed. Actually there is a dog bed but she prefers it be there... not me.

Today I have completely cleaned my crap/craft room, moved my jars, put up the Christmas tree and stockings, organized the VCR/DVDs and feel much, much better. Yes... we do still have and watch VCR tapes. We live in the country, 1/2 mile off the road. Who can afford to run the cable TV that far? I did, however happily accept an outdoor antenna from my husband this Christmas which I am so excited about. Not that we will have tons more channels to find nothing to watch on but for the shear fact that on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. from now until free television is no longer offered I will be watching the Antiques Roadshow and eating my bacon, egg and cheese sandwich with plain Lay's, dill pickles and beverage of choice with a gratifying smile upon my face.

As for the new year ahead, I will be ready. I still have to arrange the top shelf in the dinnerware cabinet to stop the clinking of glass up there and whatever else I come up with to straighten, dust and regulate. I believe in not taking a bunch of clutter, dirt and disarray into a new year for fear that the year that lies ahead will too be cluttered, dirty and in total disarray. Even if it's just a silly Old Wives' Tale, sweeping out all of this year's dust is a good feeling.

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