Thursday, July 7, 2011

Twin Topic Thursday

My friend Jenn and I are giving this a try for fun.  We decided to pick a topic and both write a short piece about it.  Then link to each other's blogs, which we already do, so each of our readers can see and possibly be even more inspired about our topic.  Here goes for the first edition.

Topic: If you had the time, right now, to learn and apply a new trade to your life what would it be and why?

My new trade would be Bee Keeping.  Since I have moved to the country and have mucho room for gardening and growing flowers, I have desired to learn more about bee keeping but constantly pull back on putting this idea into practice.  I want the hives, the worker bees, the queen bee, the honey, the guts to put on the suit and go in to my hive hands first.  I want to help the honey bee population in our area as there doesn't seem to be near the amount of honey bees as there seemed to be when I was a child. 

I read about bee keeping in library books, I've read blogs of people who keep bees, I know it would be beneficial to all that we do on our farm.  I can talk myself right into it and right back out of  it.  

I will venture into bee keeping one of these days but if I had the time, right now, to learn, buy the stuff and put the interest into practice, that is just what I would do.

Now, please go and check out what my darling friend Jenn what trade would pick up and learn if time permitted. 

Thank you!  And now the topic goes to you!  If you had the time, right now, to learn and apply a new trade to your life what would it be and why?

Have fun!

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