Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Coffee Table Style

The lovely coffee table.  The center piece of most living rooms and dens.  What to do with it?  Here's what we did with mine.

To go along with the burlap I used for a make-shift tree skirt, I dug out this old coffee bean bag.  It was in terrible need of ironing and smelled quite odd when I put the heat to it. 
We chose one of my enamel pitchers and stuck some cedar tree clippings inside from a tree along the driveway.  It may have helped keep the trimmings fresh if I added a bit of water to the pitcher... but there's a hole in the bottom.  Not good for water.
The marble game is always on the coffee table.  It was my Grandmother's and the old jelly jar came from Uncle Randy.  The red and white striped marble was a gift from my new best friend that owns Phillips General Store.  He doesn't really know he is my new best friend but he is.  I had visions of cleaning up the Halloween decorations that are still in his yard.  Poor Cobbler.  No time for himself.  What a darling fellow.

Anyone who has been to my home knows good and well that I have been gladly suffering from an enamelware addiction for years.  I knew my vintage glass ornaments (the smelly ones) would look perfect in a medium sized enamel bowl.  I thought I needed a stand for the bowl and it just so happens that I found out the fruit bowl stand from Longaberger nestles the heck out of my prized enamel bowl.  It worked out quite well.
And to add a not so good picture, here is the metal star I have had forever with a coffee scented candle that I bought in Bellbuckle a while back.  My sweet sister added the fresh but previously frozen cranberries that I think made a nice touch and completion to my Christmas Coffee Table look.  Don't you think?  And don't worry, kids are only likely to eat one cranberry before they probably won't touch them again and will cringe when the see the canned, jellied stuff at Thanksgiving.  Or they may love them?!
It really took no time to put together a spread that we will enjoy the entire month of December.  

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