Thursday, December 6, 2012

Peppysis' Tips To De-Stress

The Holiday Season is and has been well upon us kids!  During this time people can find themselves stressed out with the hum and bum and hustle and bustle, feeling the loss of loved ones, life changes really kicking in.  There are ways to help cope that are easier than you think.  These few tips can be used any time of the year, not just around the Holidays.  Here's what has helped me when I don't feel like I can take much more. 

Exercise - I used to run a lot, ok most of the time I walked really fast, but that was when I was single and didn't run my own business.  Now it's hard to find the time and energy to fit exercise in but it is so important.  My Mother gave me a dvd a couple of years back by Denise Austin called Blast Away the Pounds, Indoor Walk.  The routines are so simple and take you for a one mile walk in 15 minutes.  I broke my dvd out two days ago and started in and I am slightly ashamed to say that I am a little sore.  Here's where you can buy her dvd.

Omega-3 - Fatty acids, the good kind, that are essential to both health and happiness.  You can buy fish oil supplements that are a good source of Omega-3s or they can be found in foods like pumpkin seeds, eggs, walnuts and flax seed to name a few.  Here's more information to read up on Benefits 1  and Benefits 2.

Meditation - What?  Seriously?  Seriously... even Goldie Hawn does it.  I have recently become a meditating person.  It's not taking a nap.  Meditation (by Jack Kornfield) has taught me a wonderful way to "let things go."  My mind tends to hold on to things, most of the time in a negative way, but through Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield, I have learned a totally different way of dealing and coping with issues in my life that torment me.  After the first session I actually looked at myself in the mirror and saw a different side of myself.

Sunshine - "A good ole dose of vitamin D" is what I always say.  If you can't get out into the fresh air for a minute at least step in to the sunshine.  Feel it's warmth.  Let the big ball of fire nourish your soul even if just for a minute through a window.  And I mean let it shine directly on you, not you looking out to see it shining on someone else.  Step in to the light.

Sleep - I know you know that the body and mind needs sleep and rest.  Please make sure, especially during this busy season, that you get at least 7 or 8 hours a night even if you have to put something off, like the News at 10.  You're mind will rest easier without it.

Smiling - Even if you don't feel like it, smile at people you see.  Give a compliment to make others smile.  You know you said to yourself "wow her hair cut is cute"... say it out loud and to that person.  Try not to bring other people down by showing your grimace off.  Just smile.

Have a wonderful Stress-Free Holiday season.  I hope something here might assist you in making it healthier for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice! It is so important to de-stress this time of year with everything going on. It's hard to do, but I find getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night is the most beneficial for me. Also exercise - I have a mini trampoline I jump on while watching TV!

    PS - Thank you for the comment about Buttercup. I really appreciate it.


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