Friday, February 7, 2014

literally on the library hold shelf

When I say, literally on the library hold shelf, it is precisely what I mean.  With the Davidson County library system, of which I am proudly a part of, I can go online and request just about anything from books to cds to movies.  I go once a week and pick up my items on the hold shelf and happily skip out the door.  Here is where I share what I'm waiting on and hopefully will have in my hands by the end of the week.  It's pretty much a constant cycle.  

1.  Honestly... I am struggling with what to say on why I want to read this book.  I do want to read her insight into healthier living and eco-friendly lifestyle.  Hopefully when I get the book I will have my answer .

2.  I have been on a bread baking craze the last few weeks.  I have never really had the urge to want to bake bread before and frankly using yeast always made me feel like it was setting me up for failure.  There's just something about the smell of fresh baked bread in the house that I adore.

3.  Um Hello...??? Party in the USA is one of my favorite all time songs!  It's my ringtone for crying out loud.  Still.... yes I know.  I still want to hear the whole cd.

4.  Not that I am going all vegetarian, that's impossible for me.  I love meat!  But some good vegetarian recipes in my back pocket doesn't hurt either.  The black beans and rice are already startin to get old!

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