Wednesday, September 16, 2015

dc creek days

I have taken kids to the creek from the day care since we opened.  I truly do love the adventure with them whether it lasts an hour or we wind up taking a picnic lunch and staying several hours.  I never go with more than two children at a time so it's not everyday that we get to take the adventure.  It also makes it special for the times that we get to go.  I feel that if I had help or a friend along I would take more kids at a time.  The creek is at the back of our property so we have to drive from the day care to the house and then to the creek unless we decide to walk from the house.  Either way it is so much fun when we get there to explore and make new discoveries and find cool fossils and things living in the creek.  And we always take Kate with us.  Last week one of my two year olds threw a fairly thick stick for Kate and it hit me right on the bridge of the nose.  I did cry a little.  Still had fun though.  Here are a few pictures from two trips to the creek lately.

This one is saying "Miss Waurie... come wook at this!"

I finally, after six years, have caught the orchid in bloom!!!!!!!
I love her bubble trail in the water.

Me... always the finder of feathers.

Clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy.

Where's my sack lunch mom?


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