Monday, March 7, 2016

5 things

Before I fortunately opened my very own child care center, I worked at a job that I didn't particularly like.  There were some parts of it that were okay but I do remember crying in the car when I would hit the exit ramp to begin my day at my job.  To brighten my spirits I came up with "5 Things".  I would take a post it note or a small piece of paper each Monday morning and write down 5 things that I was thankful for.  I posted the list in plain view so that I could refer back to it all week long.  Amazingly enough it did make me feel better several times during the week or whenever I would look at it. 

After the week was over I would take down my list and tape it into my journal.  I have enjoyed looking back at the 5 things I was thankful for each week.  The lists remind me of times that I may have stored somewhere in the back of my mind. 

Just in the last few weeks at the day care I have begun this routine again.  I am not currently unhappy with my job.  I simply remembered glancing at the lists throughout each week and thought I'd bring it back into my life.  And now I am sharing it with you.  Try it.  You may find that you have a ton to be thankful for and smile at your life more.

My messy Monday morning.  I taped the list right on my cabinet door at eye level.

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