Friday, March 4, 2016

literally on the library hold shelf

I haven't done one of these in a while.  Doesn't mean I stopped going to the library!  I haven't been much in to reading novels lately but yesterday I came across a list of books and picked a couple that the library had.  They aren't far, one in Madison and one in Inglewood, so maybe they will get here by Saturday when I go to yoga.  I haven't watched many movies since my Wes Anderson click... I'm still not over the Moonrise Kingdom movie and I've rented it three times.  I wanted to rent Raising Hope which is a TV on DVD thing but they don't have it.  I settled for My Name is Earl and also found a Carol Burnett dvd there.  Our new station on TV that airs older shows actually shows Carol Burnett reruns but it comes on pretty late.  The other book Pretty Happy by Kate Hudson I am hoping will be a "feel good" book.  I just love her... probably because of who her parents are but she is precious!  I have been on the wait list for this one for a good while but I'm now #1 next in line for it!  Have a good weekend!!!

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