Saturday, November 25, 2017

a black friday walk in the woods

Yesterday, Kate and I decided to go for a walk.  How can you ever feel lonely in nature?  As soon as I topped butterfly hill looking down at the creek I noticed all of the activity going on.  Little wrens and winter birds fluttering everywhere.

I am not a fan of winter.  I have to approach it very carefully because I let it get the best of me sometimes.  I have to pick out the things that I like about it.  I like finding nests in trees and shrubs where winged families were raised over the summer.  I like wearing a coat at the beginning of our walk and halfway through removing it because I am burning up from trekking up and down hills.  I like taking a seat on the ground or a tree stump and just listening and looking at what's going on right outside my door.  I like being able to spot deer through the trees running from my presence in their world.

I also like to string white Christmas lights throughout my home for illumination because it gets dark so early.  I do leave them up past the holidays.  But what really gets me through the winter is knowing spring is right behind it.  And soon I will be mushroom hunting and spotting new blooms with every step of my world here.  It is a wonderful place.

Oh how the swimming hole changed from the last hurricane rain.  Maybe it will hold more water next summer!

The red bud pods look like fringe on this one.  How pretty!!

I was truly only gone about an hour and when I got back... Kitty had paid her rent.

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