Monday, December 3, 2012

What We're Reading

After a heavy library visit on Saturday, and by heavy I mean the book stack, I found myself at home with fifteen books. (quiet he he)  I left with a stack of children's books to read at the DC this week and a stack for myself to browse over. 

Some of them are to inspire our Provost ( :) ) journey down the road, some of them just to look at and one of them to remind me that gardening in 2013 really isn't that far away.  Plus it was a suggestion from a new blog friend's book role

None of the children's books were on the hold shelf for me.  I hand picked them while I was there.  I always wonder what people think of me.  Seeing me squatting or sitting Indian style in the kid's section with a healthy grin on my face. 

I do regret not taking the time to check out a new reading book.  One that I can pour over the words.  One with no pictures, just the ones they paint for you.  Maybe next week. 

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