Saturday, October 7, 2017

early fall walk

A walk in our woods never fails to amaze me.  Especially when I have such a good friend with me.  Today she kept managing to get in my pictures which just made them all the more precious.  The first one is my favorite.  Actually, the woods seemed a bit weird today.  Fall is in the air.  Everything seems to take on a different look.  Sometimes creepy in fact.  I didn't find any feathers for about the first 30 minutes but then they seemed to be everywhere.  I also kept seeing eye sockets in the creek and things grouped in threes.  That all probably means nothing... or does it?

Bergamont.. with a twist.

Do you spy the squirrel?  
I spotted his tail.  He was frozen there.  It was a little odd.
They usually run.  But this guy froze until I got too curious as to what he was doing.

One of Kate's very favorite spots in the creek.
She splashes in here for hours while I mushroom hunt in the spring.

Kate foot.

I was interested in a rock and when I moved it this guy ran out from underneath.  I think I woke him up.

Tree root flower pot.

What the Harvey rains did to our swimming hole.  It's now down to rock bed.



This little feather... turned out to be two little feathers.

Shaun would have a duck fit over this large thistle

Milk weed pods

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