Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Miniature Antique Coal Skuttle Tutorial

 Hello my mini friends!  I felt like my fairy house needed a coal skuttle alongside the tiny wood stove.  I searched the internet for something I could replicate and found an antique coal skuttle that looked pretty simple.  So, I broke out my cardstock and got to work.

First, I will show you the picture of the antique on I found by just doing a Yahoo search.

Pretty simple in design.  My fairy isn't real picky either. :)

I also made a template to share with you.

Feel free to copy and paste or screenshot or whatever.  Adjust to the size that you need and print directly on cardstock.  Or, since I was going to use black cardstock, print, trace and cut out.  I cut out two patterns and glued them together to make it a bit more sturdy.  I gave both or the pieces a couple of rolls on the edge of my countertop to begin their curl.  Then used wood glue to glue them together.  When that dried I curled it into shape and glued the one edge.  Patiently hold it together while it adheres.  I like using wood glue because it dries fast.

While I waited, I cut out a leaf for each side to cover where the wire will be glued.  I made the curved by using the end of a paint brush or one of my clay tools on something soft.  

When the skuttle adhered, I simply glued it to a small piece of cardstock for the back and cut it out after it dried.

 For the stand, I traced a nickel on cardstock and cut it out.  Then i used a hole punch for the center and cut a slit.  You will need to round out the circle so it will curve easily.  Glue it and cut off the excess.

Here is where I glued the wire on.  I just bent it around a paint brush and trimmed it until I got the right length that I wanted.  Then glue the leaves on each side to cover the wire ends.  You can use something else here besides leaves.  Get creative!

I used Metallic Bronze paint on these.  Then aged them a little with black paint.

And there you have it!  A tiny coal skuttle to go with my tiny wood stove.  

I guess it'll be used to tote ashes instead of coal truly.  

Thanks for stopping by!

XoXo ~Laurie

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Easy Foliage Tutorial

 Hello Friends!  Ever find yourself in need of foliage for your projects?  My latest project, Fairy Pumpkin House, while it is filled with miniatures and the inside of the pumpkin is about 1/12" scale, the outside is a different story.  I wanted the outside and landscape of the pumpkin to be more life sized.  Sort of like the fairy house is just sitting outside.  So, I needed bigger than miniature items.  

I often scroll through IG and one day, on a mushroom tutorial, I noticed there was a quick glance on how the artist made a leaf to go atop her mushroom.  It was simply wire and masking tape.  So, I broke out some very thin wire and my roll of wide masking tape.  In no time at all I had made enough leaves for a plant to go outside of my pumpkin and I just love them!  I wound up also making some fern leaves which I also love!  Careful!!  They're slightly addictive to make!

I think it's pretty self-explanatory.  Cut two pieces of tape, lay your wire down on one piece and put your other piece of tape on top.  Sticky sides together.  Draw and cut out your pattern on the tape.  Paint to desired color.  And that's it!  

I've never needed large items for a miniature project until now.  This method worked perfectly!  I am sure your can make miniature plants this same way, although, I haven't tried yet.

Thank you for visiting!  Have a wonderful day!

XoXo ~Laurie

P.S. I also made a few leaves from duct tape.  While it worked, the paint does not want to stay on the duct tape as well as the masking tape.  :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Miniature Journal

 Do you keep a Miniature Journal?  A month or so ago, I found myself with ideas flooding in for a pumpkin fairy house.  So, I decided to break out a new notebook to write my ideas down in.  I even decorated the front of the journal and dedicate it solely to miniature ideas.  

While creating my pumpkin fairy house, I have found myself referring back to my ideas.  Last night I sat down with my pen and started checking off the ideas I had already created and it was so much fun!  I also needed a few more ideas for details inside the pumpkin and found some good ones that I could create!  

I feel I will be using this journal for future projects.  I have also printed a few pictures for other items to make for other projects.  I like to find inspiration pictures of life-sized items for ideas too.  

This is a drawing of the wood stove that I wound up creating.  

You can find the tutorial HERE

Do you keep a miniature journal?  Do you brainstorm and write down ideas?  It really is fun!

Thanks for your visiting today!

XOXO ~Laurie

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Miniature Fairy Chair

 Good day my mini friends!  So, I needed a chair for my fairy pumpkin house project.  I've seen many, many fairy chairs on the web made from sticks and moss, but I couldn't really figure what other kind of chair my fairy house needed.  So yesterday I decided to put some of my collected sticks and vines to good use.  I started using my favorite wood glue, which you would think would work great on wooden sticks... but alas, it seemed to be taking forever to adhere.  So I used good old fashioned hot glue.  This method really works great because one, it dried fast, and two, you can easily cover the glue with moss or rather tinted sawdust.  I used a piece of cardboard, cotton and a piece of my new red velvet for the seat.  I also added some glam with a couple of white feathers, a few rhinestones and green glitter to enhance the magic of the place.  

There's really no limit with a fairy chair.  At first I thought it was going to be too big for the pumpkin house.  But after coming back to it a few hours later I quickly decided that she's a keeper.  So much so that I made her a tiny footstool to go with her.  

Chair Back.  

Naked chair.

I actually love it.  I want to sit in it and feel how comfy it is LOL.  Don't you ever wish you could shrink to 1:12 scale just for a little while??  

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great day!  And if you can, leave a comment and let me know if you've ever made a fairy chair or fairy house!   

XOXO Laurie

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Miniature Candlestick Tutorial

 Howdy all!  I'm having such fun with my pumpkin fairy house.  It's coming along!  

Today I am sharing some candlesticks with candles and a flame that I made.  They are simply made with beads and clay.  I used a piece of jewelry wire that has a metal stopper/piece on the bottom that I cannot think for the life of me what they're called.  Sorry about that.  Maybe findings?  There is one pictured below.  You simply feed your beads onto the wire placing little dabs of glue between each to hold the tight.  Let them dry completely.  I the painted them with chalk paint before painting with metallic paint.

The candle is simply air dry clay and so is the flame.  I also painted the flame and added some red and gold glitter.  

I actually stuck the wire end into a piece of floral foam while they dried.

Thanks for stopping by!  Please let me know if you make anything from my tutorials!  

XOXO ~Laurie

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Miniature Button Plates Turotial

 Hello Mini Friends!  This is a short and sweet and EASY plate tutorial.  It's so simple!  Just pic what size plate you want and find the right size button.  Make sure it has a lip or raised rim.  Put some glue on it and press your fabric to the button and let it dry.  Once dry, cut the excess fabric.  I also added a top coat of Mod Podge dimensional magic for shine.  You could also use Mod Podge gloss or clear fingernail polish.  

The little plate stands I made from jewelry wire and just eye balled the size I needed.  

The possibilities are endless!  You could make a whole set!

Thank you for stopping by!  Feel free to share on Pinterest!  

XOXO ~Laurie