Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Bit Of Understanding

Sometimes, while at work and especially during the holiday seasons, when things are hectic, there are places that you would rather be, try to think of this.

Try to put yourself in to the customer's shoes. They've gotten out of bed with you on their mind, for whatever reason, in my case.. they are cold because their heat has gone out. Maybe it's the call they have been meaning to make and now have to make. Maybe even with the hesitation of financial issues in their minds with "can we afford this now?" or "We cannot afford this but we have to." They may dread making the call just as much as you, with your busy work day, dread answering another call.

Sometimes it can be hard to think of sounding pleasant to the person on the other end of the phone line. Good customer service comes when caring steps in front of repetitiveness. Just because you sound good on the phone doesn't mean that you truly care about their problem, even if it is only having to listen to them for a few minutes.

Think of the questions that have been rolling around in their head all morning or all weekend, just waiting to ask you. Provide a service of listening to their problem and knowing that they trust in you and your company to take care of the needs of themselves and their family. Without them there would be no need for you to work there.

This year, give a gift to each person that you talk to by lending them a listening ear and a caring heart.

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