Monday, March 29, 2010

My Heel Of Approval

As I was purchasing my first (and maybe only) pair of sandals for the 2010 sandal wearing season I remarked to my niece that I wished my toes were polished so I could sport my new sandals when we left. The cashier behind the counter overheard our convo and said "it's ok.. natural unpainted toe nails are in style." If you could only see my face at this point. I'm not sure what boyish beauty magazine she read this in but I'm here to tell you it's not true. Or maybe she meant that the natural colors that are offered now are in style. Maybe even if I had taken my boot off and showed her why they were covered with socks and boots she would have taken that horrid remark back.

Never the less with the fantastic view of our Tennessee weather forecast for this week I needed to do something about my situation. So yesterday I gathered up my do-it-yourself pedicure supplies and headed for the kitchen sink. Now don't let that talk you out of ever eating at my house that I give myself pedicures on my kitchen counter. I always have and it just makes more sense to me. Why do it in the bathtub when your whole body is immersed and you've got skin flakes from your feet floating? Plus I always bleach out the sink and surrounding counter tops when I'm done so stop hissy fitting.

In the midst of self-indulgence, soaking my feet in mildly hot water with Calgon mixed in, using my sanding paddle and ped egg to conquer my heels and big toe sides, and pushing back a winter's worth of cuticles, I realized hat I hadn't brought my oil that I use on my toes after I polish nor had I brought any lotion. I thought for a moment, opened the cabinet to my right and there sat my olive oil. My hands are used to me dabbing olive oil on them during the winter after washing dishes to soothe my cracked fingers but my poor feet have never gotten any. I snatched a saucer from my left hand cabinet, poured a dab of EVOO as Rachael Ray would say, and used my middle fingertip to dab olive oil onto every spot that I had sand papered. Let me tell you it is less than 24 hours since I did this and my feet still look terrific. And it's not just because of the new sandals. I only used maybe a half of a teaspoon total for both feet and they are still just so soft.

I do admit to enjoying the luxury of someone else doing the pedicure dirty work especially for a new sandal premier but as well as the olive oil worked on my heels I couldn't be happier. Try it yourself!

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