Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fish Tank at the DC

I have had several people suggest having a real live fish tank at the day care.  You know... to give the kids something to watch and feed.  Sounds fun but I just don't think I am ready for it right now.  So, today the kids and I made our own fish aquarium of the crafty kind! 

I have a small bulletin board by the front door that I planned on putting notes to parents on but find that I haven't had the need to put any notes up yet.  So, I have been pondering over ideas of what to put on this board and decided that today was the day.  We turned it in to the fish tank. 

I covered the background with blue tissue paper.  Then cut out brown construction paper (or instruction paper as one of the kids calls it) and glued small wads of tissue paper in white and light pink, to make it look like rocks.  We drew and cut out plants and one of the kids cut out and painted a castle to go on the bottom of the tank. 

Our fish were cut out of cardboard, painted white and then colored with glued on tissue paper.  We put them on longer pins to give them a 3D look. 

I am tickled at the outcome of our aquarium.  Maybe we will get a real one one day but for now we are pretty proud of this one!

You've got to get the water to the right temperature before adding the fish ;)
 Artist at work.
 Three little fish.
I over-thought the fish all morning wanting to chicken wire and paper mache.
I gave up on that thought since I didn't have the stuff with me and settled for cardboard.
 Here I go with the tissue paper again!
The colors remain vibrant when the glue dries.  It's nice!
 Big buttons for eyes.  We wanted the googley kind but didn't have any.

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