Wednesday, February 12, 2014

a change in diet

I've mentioned a few times about my doctor making changes to my diet.  Some I am adapting quite well to and others I feel like a two year old kicking, throwing a fit for her pacifier.  I am making the changes primarily for my skin issues in thinking I've got some food allergies and trying to change the autoimmune issue.  Some of the allergies I was aware of already and others... well put it this way... if you saw my skin right now you'd try anything too.  You can read a post about it HERE.  All that said, I have been taken off of eggs, meat, milk and dairy, caffeine, tap water, shell fish, and a few more.  Other changes include incorporating ground flax seed at a teaspoon a day, whole grains, beans, rice, more veggies.  I haven't shown much in the way of a change in my skin as of yet, it's only been four weeks and I haven't been the most loyal customer.  However, I have completely changed breakfast, just for me... I still cook for Shaun everyday.  And I've done well with lunch.  Meat is the vice here and I have cut back just not cut out.  He did say to cut it down from three times a day to three times a week.  He's so mean... but if it's for my own good.. fine.  My breakfast changes have to include whole grain cereal, almond or soy milk and three fruits.  I have found that I crave the freeze dried strawberries and they go way to fast.

Decaf coffee and soy creamer is a good way to mess up a good cup of coffee.  
I wish you could see my face right now... it's not happy.

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