Sunday, June 5, 2011

Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me

Did you learn that song as a kid?  I did... and the dance moves.  You needed a few partners for that one.  I'm pretty sure it was more of a square dance.  Well in this case it's not flies I am shooing but gnats.  Tiny, annoying gnats that in some cases are called fruit flies.  I'm not sure why they want to hang out in here.  I don't leave food out, or fruit.  I can't figure what it is they are attracted to but they will buzz in your face like they are telling you to open the door and let them out or leave some fruit out please.  Regardless I complained about it in front of the right person at work and she dropped a really good hint that has worked.  Not that we were infested or anything but one or two is enough to want them gone.  Try it if you need to... I promise... it works!

Fruit Fly Gnat Magic!
1 cup water
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1 tablespoon dish washing liquid

Stir ingredients together and pour into a few small bowls or glasses.  Make sure everyone in your home knows not to drink it... it resembles lemonade!  Place in areas that you have seen the gnats.  The gnats are attracted to the smell of the cider vinegar and when they pop in for a drink the dish wash soap gets them and they sink to the bottom.  It's quite lovely! 

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