One thing I have always said about myself is "that I could have fun by myself in a paper bag." Huh.. so can my cat. Great minds I guess. And also let it not be said that Aunt Laurie doesn't know how to have a good time.
Yesterday, after my recovery from what I called "the day after our wedding reenactment," I finally made myself go outside and take a walk. I didn't so much want to head up the driveway to get the mail... too much wind. And the breeze yesterday and today had a Northern chill to it. So I meandered along the edge of the woods behind our house and along the back field. I saw that the electric fence around the pig lot apparently wasn't working because I spotted a piggie toosh up in the air from across the field as he was trying to dig out. I was hoping to find a feather or two, but there were none to be found. I wound up back at the front porch watering pansies and trying to freeze water droplets in action. Isn't it amazing that our eye doesn't work this fast but motion does?
The ripples looked like a flower to me.
I love the ripples in the burst going upward and also the reflection.
This one is my favorite. Frozen motion that happened so fast this was the only way I could see it well.
My sister called while I was taking these and the four of us plus my nephew wound up going to eat Mexican... which only furthered the reenactment. If I had only eaten at the party the night before I feel as if I could have avoided a wasted day. Was it wasted or semi what my body needed... rest.