I play Bunko once a month. What is Bunko you say? FUN! It is a dice game, where fellowship and eating is a must. At the last Bunko gathering, my friend Linda shared a recipe with us. Well... some of us that were listening. I HAD to try it and am so glad that I did.
Here was my version of the dish. You can use practically any vegetable and any meat that you want. You simply heat the oven to 450 degrees. Once it has preheated nicely, place your casserole dish in the oven to heat for 15 minutes. While the dish is heating you prepare your vegetables and meat.
I tossed chopped broccoli, cauliflower and onion wedges in olive oil (which is a must) and spices. I used Butt Rub, sea salt and pepper. Next prepare the meat in the same way. She said you don't actually have to oil up the meat but I did a little anyway. I mixed a little olive oil with a little melted butter and lemon juice and added spices to it too.
Once the dish is heated, remove it from the stove carefully because it is HOT. Throw in the veggies and scoot them to the sides. Then place the fish or meat right in the center. The veggies will sizzle the second they hit the hot dish. Place the meal back into the oven for fifteen minutes.
I prepared rice to go on the side but really.. this is a one dish meal! And terrific to boot! Since then I have made it with deer tenderloin, green beans and potatoes. The potatoes and deer meat did take longer than fifteen minutes as I imagine a thicker cut of most meats may. Just watch it closely when the end of the timer is near. Enjoy!
Toss with spices and olive oil.
I promise this entire meal cost under four dollars.
Mainly because I swiped the rest of the raw veggies from the veggie tray at Easter lunch.
Roll that beautiful Butt Rub footage.
Sizzle Sizzle, Dot Dot
Oh Yeah
Tell me 'bout it... stud.
So good. I am here to tell you.
By the way... here's a tip. You know those wood bees that look like bumble bees but can't sting you? Well, if you squirt WD-40 in the hole they are drilling into the side of your house, or your walking stick, or door frame, or wooden bench on the front porch, it'll kill them. I am currently listening to one buzz for his life in the door frame behind me. I feel real bad.. seriously. If I don't kill him he's going to drill right through. I've been listening too him scratch away at the door frame for too long. Silly bee. I can't listen any longer. I mean really... pick a tree for crying out loud! Not my house!
He stopped buzzing. I think I'll go reclaim my walking stick now.