Friday, July 20, 2012

Indian Hats - Kiddo Craft

These are more of head-dresses, at least I think that's what they are called.  But around here it has pretty much been hat week since the hats in the big kid room were discovered.  So yesterday we made our own version of a "hat" in the form of a simple head band. 

It is amazing how quickly attentions can be gathered at a small table when you sit down with colored paper and a glue stick.  Which, by the way, I got glue sticks four to a pack at WalMart for twenty five cents each the other day.  I have been waiting on school supply sales to come out since January!  Next on my list is construction paper.  Who doesn't have enough of that?!?!

So, our simple hats went like this.  Cut long strips of paper, glue them together for the headband length.  Next, cut out shapes such as feathers and circles.  It doesn't have to be elaborate or even make sense really.  Next glue the shapes on to the head band.  I put the glue on these shapes and the kids smashed them on.  They didn't have a problem with that although sometimes they do want to use the glue sticks.  Finally, wrap the head band around their kiddo heads for a good fit.   Hold the paper then glue it together and really smash the paper together with glue in between.  The good thing about glue sticks is they seem to dry quicker. 

A very satisfied dude!

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