Yay!! A library list from Laurie!!! I know that's what you're saying.
Here's what's on hold at the library.... actually not true at all.
I already have the Alan Bradley book, the Marie Laveau and Joss Stone's album which I LOVE. Oh and the final season of Girls and P&R season one. Okay!!! I only don't have Adele yet. But I currently have them all but in my possession. Truly.
Alan Bradley and the famous Flavia DeLuce. I have been in love with this series since Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie when I blogged about it in 2012. Just type in Bradley in the search on the right to see what I said about them all. You may run into a post about Bradley tomatoes... just sayin. This is his eighth book in the series. I honestly have not read 7.5 but its a digital version that the library has and I don't have a kindle. I'm more of a for real page turner anyway. I'll get a hold of it one day.
I started watching Girls and few months ago and truthfully I didn't much care for it at first. Millennials I thought. Which is true. But as I started following their lives from episode to episode I fell pretty hard. I just finished the final season and can't believe it's over. Six seasons. It is HBO pals so beware if you don't like hearing the F word or seeing people's butts and boobs. Lena Dunham is a genius and I would love to have a piece of her brain.
Adele 21. I have a special place in my heart for Adele. I mainly want to listen to these songs at home very loudly and anytime I want.
AND Joss Stone. Can I say on the internet (uh yeah) that when I first heard her voice I would have put money on her being a much darker skinned individual. She's white and I'm shocked. I thought only a voice like that could belong to Aretha Franklin and Jennifer Hudson. Dang. I'm in awe and I love her.
Knowing that my seasoned love of Girls was about to be over I decided to look up a few TV on DVD shows that I've never really watched because seriously it is so much better without commercials. I rarely watch normal TV. Parks and Recreation I started Sunday and watched a couple of episodes. It made me laugh a time or two. I finished the season tonight after work and immediately got on the library's website to get the next two seasons. It's not my all-time favorite but it'll do and it is funny which I like.
Oh VooDoo Dreams. Even though this is mainly a fictional story... Marie Laveau was an actual person and the actual VooDoo Queen of New Orleans. I don't mind whipping up a spell for fun every now and then but I ain't eatin no raw chicken heart. Nu Uh. I'll just read about it. I think the story will be a tad fascinating. I've read the first few pages and haven't forgotten a thing but have to finish my Flavia book first.