Friday, June 28, 2024

Miniature Mantle Clock Tutorial

 Hello all!  Isn't it funny how one little thing can inspire a miniature piece??  That is what happened with this cute little mantle clock.  The faux gold oval ring with plastic probably came from an old piece of jewelry, maybe a watch.  I found it in an old sewing box I bought at a yard sale.  But it totally inspired me to make a purpose for it again.  

I do not have proper measurements, I never do, because I made the clock around the oval piece.  I would say it is about an inch and a half tall.  For the back I used black card stock, in two solid layers then two layers with an oval cut out for depth.  I found and printed a clock face from the internet.  I also used layered card stock for the base and top.

I used beads for the columns and trimmed down lace for the edging design.

I used wire to hold the beads together while the glue dried then trimmed the excess wire.

I painted it all black first then decided to paint it brown.

Not too shabby don't you think?!  
Oh, and as pretty much always, I used Elmers wood glue to hold everything together.  

Thanks for visiting!  

Happy mini-making!

XOXO ~Laurie


  1. I love the little details you've added to it

  2. You are so creative! I love this! Thank you for sharing!

  3. great idea using the beads for the columns


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