Sunday, January 6, 2013

Simple Sunday

Today was pretty much a quiet Sunday at home.  Shaun is still recovering from his terrible cold.  We finished watching the Hatfields & McCoys (which he is currently watching again).  I cleaned out the chicken coop and relined their boxes and house and also, in sticking with my resolution for the New Year, took a walk in the woods.  Hope you had a fantastic weekend!

 I love when things are left the way I left them.  I stood this rock up here last summer.

Buttercup in January?  A tinch early sweet thing.
 I adore this quilt that my Granddaddy made.  I miss that special man... dearly.
I would never have had the time during the summer to shell these pecans.
Maybe that's why God made them be ready in the Fall.  He knew we were too busy. 

This too.  MaryJane's Outpost is my favorite in this group... so far.  I want to keep it.
Library books.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! That quilt is magnificent. So beautiful! We just got some pecans from my husband's grandparents and they are so good!


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