Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Saddest Post Ever

You know, I usually try and keep this bloggy hobby of mine an upbeat and happy place for you to visit.  But today I would like to share what eight and a half inches of rain over three days has done to our garden.  Brace yourself.  This ain't pretty.  I would seriously like to cry but I have hope inside for the life of some of our plants.  I am so afraid that there won't be any salsa made or green beans canned.  It's like on A Christmas Story when the dogs ran through kitchen and ate the Christmas turkey... "no turkey ala king, no turkey hash!"

I feel like Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes... "Look at my Stove Top"
Poor eggplant

Rocks appearing everywhere.  Haven't found any arrowheads yet but I'm looking.

Cleome apparently loved it.

As well as the zinnias.

Parsley..not so much.

Hang in there rosemary.

Ugh... the heat has returned to cook the plants at their roots inside the soggy mud.  So sad.
Sorry if I brought you down.  I swear from now on I will provide more positive affirmations and post-ations.  And.. even though it's sad... I love the eggplant picture... deranged I know.