HHEEYY YYOOUU GGUUUUYYYS!!! Anyone remember that from The Electric Company? That was a kid show on public television when I was a child. Did you know that youtube.com has some of the clips from the show? Well they do and for a real flashback you can check it out. I didn't realize until a bit ago that Morgan Freeman, the actor, was on The Electric Company! I have loved his work as an adult but had no idea I watched him as a kid. Neato.
Today I was going through "my favorites" on my flickr page to pick my daily wallpaper and got a little inspiration for keeping my summer plants, well at least some of them. I have had two six-packs of pansies sitting by my planter here at work for a week just waiting for me to plant them. I had petunias and a geranium planted there all summer. Sometimes I just hate to throw out my old plants especially when they still have a bloom or two. I decided that the petunias would go but I would re-pot the geranium and bring it in for the winter. So that's what I did.
There are several plants that will survive inside during the winter months and can be re-potted or put back outside in the spring. Geraniums are one of those. They may not bloom inside but rest assured they will next year when they go back outside. Also they need to be kept watered so they don't dry out with the central heat and dryness of the great indoors.
P.S. Don't forget to bring in any plants that you still have outside, inside tonight. I heard on the weather forecast this morning that they are to expect a freeze tonight in Nashville so you know what that means for us on the hill. Even if your plants are covered by a porch it's the temperature that will get them. Plants like aloe vera and tropical varieties won't be the same if left out. Just when my orchid was trying to bloom!
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