Howdy Doo. I am knee deep in yet another book by Edward Eager. I'm stuck in the juvenile section and stuck on this author! It's just child-like imaginative fun and has really sucked me right in. After the second book, Half-Magic, I sought more on the library website and currently have two in my possession. One of which I am reading now. I was so utterly excited when I started reading this one, The Well-Wishers, because it is a continuation of the first book of his that I read in the beginning of this little book journey of mine.
I am having fun with these books and can't wait to see what I'll pick up next. The books I have chosen are fun, fast reads. And so far, the Eager books have peaked my imagination.
After popular request, not really just my lovely friend Stacy, I decided to creatively save my book journal page as a picture and post it here. Feel free to blow it up, right click and copy it, print it or whatev! So here it is.. have fun!
Thank you Laurie!!!