Friday, January 8, 2016


I saw this little craft somewhere in the wide world of the web a year or two ago and a recent picture on pinterest reminded me of the simple craft for kids... or adults.  You cut a circle out of the middle of a paper plate and also two circles a tad larger from clear contact paper.  You will also need scrap pieces of colored tissue paper and markers or crayons to decorate the plate. 
Decorate the plate and place one of the contact paper circles on the back of the plate with the sticky side showing through the open circle in the plate.  Arrange the tissue paper every which-a-way then cover with the second piece of contact paper.  Punch a hole and string yarn through to hang. 
The kids loved making these and as I was taking pictures of their wonderful works with the sun shining through them in the window I realized that they would be taking them home.  Booooooo.  So I had to make more.  I had two extra plates already cut and I used the center cut outs to make more... and more.  I think they look so pretty with the winter sunlight illuminating through them.
Why this silly thing turns my pictures and won't let me turn them back I will never know.

And this is me... the big kid... coloring. 

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