Friday, January 14, 2022

Miniature Blue Canning Jars

 Hello friends!!  Sometimes an idea hits me in a strange place.  This morning, whilst in the tub, I thought to myself... so what if I used school glue with liquid food color and painted jars with it?  School glue dries clear and the food color might tint it just enough to make the jars a different color.  And guess what??!!  It worked!!  So now I am sharing it with you!!

Simply mix a drop or two of white school glue and a very tiny amount of liquid food coloring and apply it to your store bought, teeny, tiny glass jars.  They are so beautiful!!  I even tried to use my glue gun to write Ball on the jars.  From a distance it looks legit.  But we know different wink, wink!

On a side note... if they dry and you don't like the color just run them under hot water and the glue will dissolve.  Then you can try it again!!!  Magic!!!

So pretty and soooooo easy!  

If you enjoyed this tutorial or any of my other posts, please share to Pinterest for me!!

Love ya, mean it!!  XOXO Laurie