Friday, January 11, 2013

Gone Fishing

Sometimes there's nothing better than a make-shift fishing pole.  I got it in me this morning to come up with some sort of fishing poles for the kids to play with today.  It's way too muddy to actually fish in the ponds.  So after I found up a coat hanger rod and wooden dowel for poles, yarn for fishing line and a jingle bell for bait, we headed outside to fish off the back porch.

After we caught all those fish we found a puddle at the end of the house.  When we caught all those fish and it was time to come inside, we got two indoor ponds (boxes) and made cut out fish with magnets on them.  You really have to have a steady hand when fishing for the indoor fish.  The magnets stick to the metal ball inside the jingle bell so it's a little tougher to do. 

These kids have had a blast and didn't want to put their poles away for nap time


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