Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm It! PIN ME

Good grief!  I've done it... finally!  I am on Pinterest.  I have created my very first board.  I am no longer a Pinternerd!  Or maybe I still am that on some level because it took me so long.  I have just always resisted the fad since Pinterest began.  But, since I started my Inspration Journal and creating pages from pictures that I find, I also find that it is a lot like pinning things only I can hold my journal in my hands which I like very much.  But... there are pictures that I want to swipe for my journal and copy/print and this allows me to do it.  I am such a thief!  I am not, however, using them in any sort of way to promote or make money off someone else.  I just like their picture or idea so much I want to look at it forever.

So, naturally, my Pinterest name is peppysis.  You can friend me or follow me or whatever you like.  I would like to follow you too as I am sure I will need pointers from Pinterest grad students.

Here are some pics from my very first board.  It is about Agate.  That is pronounced 'A-Get.  I am a rock lover and natural stone addict as I collect such things and they are displayed throughout our home.  I recently came across agate countertops and WHOA love them!  If we ever built another house and won the lottery to decorate it, it would definately include one or more countertops or light up fireplaces in this style.

ISN'T IT JUSY DREAMY??                   

Click the pic to view the rest of my Pin Board.
XO Laurie

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