There's nothing like a hot summer day and cool summer sheets. The feel of old sheets that have been washed a trillion times and are so thin you can see daylight through them as you flap them over the bed... it's a comfort you can't get anywhere else but home.
There are some yard sales that I just can't pass up digging through that box of old sheets. Looking for bright colors, flowers from the seventies and stripes that they just don't make anymore. Sometimes they are in need of a new hem on the pillowcase, sometimes they are just perfect.
Mixing and matching different pillow cases to sheets depending on the season is becoming a favorite thing. The softness of vintage linens is like no other.
I usually keep them put away during the winter, cool months and pull out flannel sheets. Good flannel is a wonderful thing. If washed and cared for correctly they can be as soft as a kitten and every bit as warm.
Sleeping comfortably... it's in the sheets.
I love me some Vintage sheets! I even have a few that are in your pics. I hope we don't meet up at the same yard sale and have to fight over them one day! LOL...thanks for sharing this!