Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pretty Seed Packets

Because I love ya, I made a little present this morning for those of you who collect and save their own garden and flower seeds.  There are many ways to save seeds from your favorite flowers and vegetables and why not be ready in advance? 
These seed packets are super easy.  Just right click and print the picture below.  They are best printed on card stock and prettiest with a color printer.  I, for one, think they are just gorgeous!  Make as many as you want. Simply print, cut out, glue stick or tape the edges and corners and you are done!  You can even close the top flap with a pretty sticker.  If you cannot right click and print, you can find the pdf version by clicking HERE.

Don't you love it when I make presents for you?  I do, I have so much fun making this stuff.  Enjoy!
Here are some other posts of mine that have seed packet templates.
ONE  and TWO


  1. Gorgeous! Thank you for creating and sharing. These will be great for gifting seeds!

  2. These are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing these. I can't wait to give some to my gardening friends.


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