Thursday, October 29, 2015

a halloween find it

Just for you... a find it or two!

A pair of owls, a black cat, two sisters and a pelvis,  336, a Christmas tree and a cat in a dress, a white pumpkin, a greeting card, croquet clubs and a Happy Halloween.

A feather, an eight ball, a yes and a no, a little witch, a cup of pearls and buckeye, a sun, six books, a lamp and a bat.

Jack Daniels, two candy corns, a witch on a broom, a spool of thread, an orange spider, five orange candles and two cat eyes.

A punch bowl, nine pumpkins, a man in a hat, party cups, black candles and a spider web, a hooter, a ladder and two black masks.

I like this picture but there's not much to find...  A witch, a mad pumpkin, a cardinal and snow goose.

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