Thursday, August 11, 2022

Miniature Enamelware Skillet Tutorial

 Howdy all!  I call this little skillet enamelware only because I painted mine to look like old enamelware and one graniteware.  And if you know me you already know how much I love enamelware.  So naturally my dollhouse NEEDS it to!  They are very easy to make and fun to display on a dollhouse kitchen stovetop or hanging on a barn wall or a porch even.  Here's how I made them.  But first.. here's what I made.

And here's the supplies needed shot.
They are made from coin battery packaging, a strip of card stock, a sewing pin and paint.

Just cut out the skillet or tray from the battery pack.

make you a tiny hole with the sewing pin for the handle.

I think I may have layered two strips together for the handle and glued them together with wood glue.  Cut your handle shape and fold one end that will attach to your skillet.  Poke a hole with your pin in the middle of the fold.

Then carefully put your sewing pin through the inside of your skillet and through your handle and secure with wood glue.

Set them out to dry and leave them for a little while.

Then paint however your heart desires.  It couldn't be easier folks!

Once your handle is good and dry, snip off the excess pin with some wire cutters.

I went back over mine with clear drying glue to give them a good shine.

Thank you so much for stopping by today!  



  1. Otro genial tutorial y el resultado fantástico.
    Un saludo

  2. Brilliant!
    Thank you so much for sharing. With your permission, I'd like to post your link on my f/b group page "making miniatures out of everyday things".
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Thanks so much for your comments! Drora, I don't mind as long as it is a FB group that allows you to promote and link back to my blog. I am a member of one that doesn't like blog, etsy or seller promotions. Thank you!!

  4. Una idea genial con bléiser que siempre van a la basura, gracias

  5. These are great!


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