Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Miniature Bird Nest Tutorial

 Hello all!  I noticed a branch on the outside of my fairy pumpkin house that looked like it needed a little something.  So, I thought I would try and make a teeny bird nest to go there.  I wish I would have taken pictures of the first one being made because I think it turned out better than the second example.  They both turned out precious in their own way. 

The first step that I took, no pictures, but I used two shades of DMC floss (cross stitch string) in tan and brown.  I dabbed school glue on my pointer finger and thumb and ran the string through the glue then let it dry.  This just stiffens the strands.  I then cut it up into small pieces about a half inch long and also cut pieces a little longer and a little shorter because the "sticks" would naturally be different sizes.

I then used a very small button and dabbed wood glue on it then placed some "sticks" on the glue.  After that I just used my tweezers and would barely dip each stick into the glue and stacked them up around the edge of the nest until I came to what looked like a nest.  

Of course, I had to make some tiny bird eggs out of air-dry clay :) 

Have you ever made a teeny bird nest?  What material did you use?

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great day!

XOXO Laurie


  1. Lovely ~ another of your fab little tutorials for me to save for future reference :)

  2. great ideas and I love the bird nest


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