Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Miniature Antique Coal Skuttle Tutorial

 Hello my mini friends!  I felt like my fairy house needed a coal skuttle alongside the tiny wood stove.  I searched the internet for something I could replicate and found an antique coal skuttle that looked pretty simple.  So, I broke out my cardstock and got to work.

First, I will show you the picture of the antique on I found by just doing a Yahoo search.

Pretty simple in design.  My fairy isn't real picky either. :)

I also made a template to share with you.

Feel free to copy and paste or screenshot or whatever.  Adjust to the size that you need and print directly on cardstock.  Or, since I was going to use black cardstock, print, trace and cut out.  I cut out two patterns and glued them together to make it a bit more sturdy.  I gave both or the pieces a couple of rolls on the edge of my countertop to begin their curl.  Then used wood glue to glue them together.  When that dried I curled it into shape and glued the one edge.  Patiently hold it together while it adheres.  I like using wood glue because it dries fast.

While I waited, I cut out a leaf for each side to cover where the wire will be glued.  I made the curved by using the end of a paint brush or one of my clay tools on something soft.  

When the skuttle adhered, I simply glued it to a small piece of cardstock for the back and cut it out after it dried.

 For the stand, I traced a nickel on cardstock and cut it out.  Then i used a hole punch for the center and cut a slit.  You will need to round out the circle so it will curve easily.  Glue it and cut off the excess.

Here is where I glued the wire on.  I just bent it around a paint brush and trimmed it until I got the right length that I wanted.  Then glue the leaves on each side to cover the wire ends.  You can use something else here besides leaves.  Get creative!

I used Metallic Bronze paint on these.  Then aged them a little with black paint.

And there you have it!  A tiny coal skuttle to go with my tiny wood stove.  

I guess it'll be used to tote ashes instead of coal truly.  

Thanks for stopping by!

XoXo ~Laurie


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