Friday, March 14, 2014

tipsy for spring tops

Oh geez y'all!  I love it and I hate it when my nose gets attached to my laptop screen half drooling over spring tops.  I got really hooked on the Forever21 site the other day and truly can't believe I only picked five tops to share with you.  When I find a flowy top all I can envision is me standing outside on a hot summer day feeling cooled because the breeze has my shirt flowing in the wind instead of the summer heat making my top stick to my skin.  Aah.  And for some reason I also see brown, dead grass... but that could be some other issue.  Here are five shirts I chose to share with you.  

The site is Forever21

I've also found in the past that if you don't get to antsy and order everything you want right away, you can probably catch it on sale within a few weeks.  Their stock rotates pretty quick.  I got a $32.00 sweater for $9.95 because I waited until after Christmas to order it.  Luckily they still had it.  If they didn't then I didn't need it to begin with!

I'd love to hear or see what tops are your favorites!  An easy way to share is over on facebook with my friends in the peppysis group!  What?!?! You're not in??  Friend me on FB and I will happily add you to our secret clan!

Remember when I found my favorite flowy tanks for summer last year?

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