I have thought of making some for friends or just to have a new one. They seemed simple enough and turns out they are! I recently cut one of mine open and found the secret ingredient, which I always suspected, was plain ole Great Northern white beans! When I first purchased the pouches they had an herbal scent which has long since worn off. But I decided as I made new ones to add a bit of dried lavender to mine as it aids in relaxing in aromatherapy circles. They are super simple to make as long as you have the right stuff. Here's what I did...
For the inside bean pouch I used scraps of fabric cut into 9"x 9" squares. Take one square and fold it in half. Sew along the bottom and up one side leaving the top open. Turn inside out and pour in about 1 1/2 cups dried Great Northern white beans and 1 teaspoon dried lavender if you wish. Sew along the open end carefully so the beans don't come tumbling out... I pinned mine shut just above the beans. Sew back and forth a couple of times to seal good. Your nice bean pouch is complete! Next I took a scrap of prettier fabric and cut it into a 10"x 10" square. I hemmed the top end and sewed up the bottom and side to form a cover for my pouch. The cover is removable and washable. Place your bean pouch inside and your therapy pouch is totally complete!
I was told when I bought mine to remove the sleeve when you heat it in the microwave. So I always did. Also only heat it for a minute.. any longer and you will burn the contents! I hope you enjoy them! If you can't or don't want to make one yourself please let me know as I may have some for sale on my Etsy sight soon.
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