Monday, August 16, 2021

Miniature Haunted House

 Hello all!  One of the most satisfying things about the way I make my miniatures is turning everyday trash into something that you would never guess is made from trash.  Today I made a miniature haunted house from a printer cartridge box.  Luckily it already had the roof slant which is what inspired me.  The house isn't an exact scale.  It could possibly be used as a large dollhouse inside a 1:12 scale dollhouse.  What I envisioned was a Halloween playroom inside a carveable pumpkin with the tiny haunted dollhouse being the focal point on the center of the playroom floor... with possibly a light-up ghost next to it.  It's a thought in progress at this point.  It's been a while since I have made a Halloween pumpkin.  Maybe it's about time!  I hope you enjoy this demonstration in pictures :)

Here is the small box I used.  It was slanted on both sides so I just cut one slant off and glued it to another piece of cardboard from the same box.

I drew my windows and door and cut out the windows with an exacto knife and cuticle scissors.  They aren't perfectly cut out and I'm Ok with that.  I think it adds to the look.

I used almost the entire box in this project.  I glued pieces together for the steps and used toothpicks for the porch columns.

I added another piece of cardboard for the roof and thin string for the details.

When the glue dried... enough... I am so impatient, I painted the whole outside black.

Actually, I fibbed, I used a piece of cardboard from something else for the floor divider.

I decided to furnish the inside a little bit and give it an abandoned look.  For the bed I used a piece of an earring and two small nails for the headboard, stacked and glued pieces of the box and beads for the bed feet.  I also dug out a tiny piece of black crushed velvet for the bedspread.

I made a fireplace and broken chair for the downstairs and glued bits of paper on the floor to create a mess.  I also used tinted sawdust for the moss.  I wound up putting some on the outside of the house too.

That's it!  I hope you enjoyed my teeny haunted house!  If you did please share to Pinterest for me!!

1 comment:

  1. The house is just super!Today I will start making the same one!


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