Thursday, June 23, 2022

Lilly's Room in a Fun-kin Part 2

 Hey Y'all!  Welcome Back!  This is Part Two of Lilly's Room.  Today I am showing the shelving.  It's not easy to make shelves the fit a curved wall!  But let me tell you that it is definitely possible!

I found the best way for me to make shelves for Lilly's Room was to make myself a template.  I used cereal box and just kept snipping until I got the right shape to fit snug against the wall.  I also though a little window seat would be sweet in between the shelves.

So, I used my templates and cut pieces from Basswood.

I painted the shelving before I installed them in the fun-kin using craft paint.

It took me several tries to get the right fit for the seat.  But I finally got it!

Then I added gold polka dots to the shelving to match the walls.

I made the cushion from a piece of cardboard and foam and covered it in a simple fabric.  I also added a sweet tiny piece of lace to the bench seat.

And then I decided to add curtains.  I got out some sheer scraps of fabric, sprayed them with hair spray and watered-down glue.  I pin them to a piece of foam in the shape that I want and let them dry.  Trust me, the waiting is the hardest part.  Before this, I cut a wooden skewer to the right length and painted it white.   I also have another post on making dollhouse curtains HERE.

What a sweet little set of shelves!  Time to glue them in place!

Thanks for stopping by!  Oh... you see the bed in the last picture?  I will be sharing how I made it in the next tutorial!  



  1. Turned out awesome! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Lilly’s room is as precious as she is!! Such cool shelves!!

  3. Esta quedando fantástica.
    Un saludo

  4. This is absolutely brilliant! I will be stealing this idea asap!


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