Monday, April 8, 2013

Weekend Finds

Well folks... it looks like yard sale season is about to be in full bloom.  In case you didnt' know, yard sale season begins along with spring which is also a season and lasts well into the season called summer and if we are lucky it lasts through fall.  So really, there are only two seasons... yard sale season and not yard sale season.  Make sense?  Of course it does.
This past weekend, my sister Mary E. and I, hit some pretty decent sales.  It seemed like every sale we went to we bought something, except this one weird one that had a lot of rebuilt computers.  We sailed from Millersville to White House to Crossplains.  I didn't buy a ton of stuff, but enough to hush me up.  Here are a few of my finds.

This crate is metal and heavier than it looks. I had no idea until I brought it outside at the sale that it was blue.

I am stuck on little deer.  This is my second deer I have found. 

This is one of the prettiest quilts ever.  It's twin size, old, not stinky anymore and was five bucks.
I just love the color combinations and the floral fabrics they chose.

This is my new "tub o' herbs".  I can't wait to plant it in.  I needs a little work first though.

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