Hey Y'all! I am so excited about The Great Backyard Bird Count. Mainly I am excited about piling on warm clothes, packing my binoculars and bird book in my little camo shoulder bag and heading into the woods this Saturday and Sunday. I have a few species that I am looking for in particular that don't do bird feeders. I will be watching and counting the birds that I see at my feeders too but to me it's exciting to seek and find. Plus I think we are supposed to see a little bit of sunshine this weekend so that will go well with my hunting.
It's fun to get involved and to get kids involved in bird watching. You really don't have to spend but about 15 minutes counting what you see. There is a simple data form that you can print before you count. It is mainly used if you do not have internet access but can help log what you have seen and how many of each species at one time that you see. Copy and paste this link. http://gbbc.birdsource.org/gbbcApps/input It will take you directly to where you can print the data sheet, where you can find a list of birds in your area to look for, and where you can diretly submit what you've seen.

Click on the The Great Backyard Bird Count picture on this page with the people on it and it will take you directly to the birdcount.org website.
Thanks for participating and have fun!
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