Howdy do all! As of February 14th of this year my now husband and I have officially lived together for one whole year! This time last year my house had sold and our new house wasn't ready to move in to yet so trailer trash I became. We have a trailer at the front of our property that my Hunny lived in while making a major life change for him and moving me in. We now rent the trailer out to a pair of wonderful tenants that we luckily have never had a problem out of.
I grew up in a "dress the kitten up in clothes", all girl environment having three older sisters and a wonderful family of three girls, two doors up that I played with all of my childhood years. A.K.A. the hunting and killing of animals was not in my vocabulary. Hell.. Barbie and Ken barely lived together in the same Barbie house. It was a pretty innocent world back then. So moving to the country in my thirties in to a total boy world has been some what of an adaptation. I now own my own shot gun, I cook venison on a regular basis and I seemingly have traded in eighty pair of four inch strappy sandals for rain boots, thinsulate and shoes with tread on them. I have fallen in love with our thirty acres, the woods, our creek and my new life. All of the shoe shopping and nail manicuring every other week seems a little silly now. As our tax man said last week, "a farmer is least likely to spend a dime on himself" or something like that. I didn't want to look like a big nerd pulling out my journal to write down what he had just said but at the time it made perfect sense to me. Something in my mind has been trained by me to say... now Laurie... do you really need that? And if I can't say yes at that very moment I just give it some time and if it passes then I let it go. If I still want it then I get it. (This is not at all where this post was supposed to go)
I will report that as of yesterday I successfully received my third pair of my favorite jeans. When you find a pair of jeans that are perfect for you and it really hurts your soul when your tail end finally busts through the holes on the corners of the back pockets, it's time to check ebay. I have found and purchased not one but two pair of my favorite jeans over the last couple of years. I am currently and proudly wearing a pair right now. I would take a pick for you but really don't want to show my ass on my blog ;)
I posted a picture on flickr today of a very proud hunter.. my husband.. and his latest kill. I have to say that I feel extremely lucky and would much rather have a man that spends his down time from work hunting with friends and behaving instead of letting the devil take over his idle hands. What I'm trying to say is I'd much rather him hunt in the woods than stray downtown to the not so local noodie bar. Noodie... not noodle :). After I posted the pic I looked at it giving it the "pull back & cringe face" of the chick from girl world. It's a shot gruesome to me with the little drops of blood here and there but it is what it is and he is so proud. Not that I have feelings for wild dogs. The only feeling that killing coyotes that close to our home is the feeling of not wanting to let the cat go outside by himself for fear of him being scooped up and me never knowing what happened to him. He's a chunky little fella that any wild dog could feast on! Bless his heart. And it's legal so I'm OK with it.
I love my new life with my husband. Did I mention we are getting two piglets soon? Not to have so much as pets, I will name them temporarily, but Oscar Meyer will be losing a very good customer for a while once they get a certain size.
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