Which by the way.. why is everything abbreviated now a days? My new favorite is LBL. Light Bladder Leakage. Not that I have it and it's a favorite but it's the fact that society has gotten so comfortable with abbreviations of medical conditions that it sounds "cooler" to accidentally piddle in your pants if it's called LBL. The next time you end a text with an LOL add a little LBL cause if it was that funny you know you did... just a little.
I also miss the documentaries on NPT, Sesame Street, Sunday cooking shows and I could never forget Tennessee Crossroads. That is a good show. Shaun and I would watch it every Sunday morning. It was a show all about Tennessee and attractions and down home, good ole Tennessee meat & three's all over the state. I don't even know who has the best bar-b-q in Tennessee anymore...even though I never tasted it myself. If the Crossroads said it then it is the best.
Just imagine life without Bob Ross on Saturdays and you have imagined my life without NPT. Of course we could just pay for cable or satellite and we'd have it but who wants to pay for TV? I reckon I'll just do without. LOL... LBL

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