Well I hope everyone in Tennessee enjoyed the beautiful weather over the weekend! I have to say that Saturday, even though it was gorgeous outside that I stuck with staying indoors. My sister Mary Evelyn and I stumbled upon a craft on Friday that made use of a box of one million vintage buttons that we bought at the big Crossplains yard sale that we had to try on Saturday. Three hours in to it we had missed out on some major sunshine. It's weird to say that I've gotten used to staying indoors this winter. It's just been too cold. I will still bundle up and venture out to the woods on the weekends but staying out there for long isn't fun.
Yesterday however was a different story. The sun came out and I think the temperature got to around 64! I had the house windows open and towels out on the clothesline. I fell right into the day like a pro. I have so missed the crunchy feel of line dried towels and wash cloths. It's a comfort of our home that I love. I got the house clean and in tip top shape. In the afternoon my Dad came over and we went walking in the woods and in the creek. We walked down the cold crick to the waterfall and further to where our creek meets the larger creek behind the church camp that backs up to our farm. I picked up a good rock to use as a door stop in our bedroom. At one point I lost a rock that I had chosen. I sat it down to help Miss Pepper get down off a ledge by the waterfall and forgot to pick it back up. Luckily I found two more which prompted me to realize that I had lost the first one a ways back. Silly me.
When I go into the woods I am generally packing the necessities. Camo over-the-shoulder bag with binoculars, camera, telephone and bottle of water and handy walking stick in hand. None of those things actually came out of my bag yesterday, but it was too full, so I thought, to put the new door stops in so I carried one in my left hand and the other in the elbow of my left arm. With all that in tow I can't believe I made it back up the hill! When we got back to the house I realized my binoculars were sitting on the porch rail where I left them when Dad got there. I guess I was excited to have a friend walk the woods with me!
Hey.. I wanted to remind White House-ians that the White House Library (which I love) is having their annual book sale this week. After I went to the dentist this morning and got a tiny filling in the back of my #10 tooth I stopped by. I was looking for Country Living magazine back issues and Honey I found them! I bought 12 issues for $1.00! I also bought VHS tapes Vegas Vacation, Christmas Vacation, Meet the Parents and the second season of Friends on DVD. I topped it off with one hardback book to read because I'm out of books right now that I like to read before bed. It had a pink, blue and yellow cover and the back of it said it was hilarious so I bought it. I like funny stories before bed.. hence why I married Shaun! All in all I spent $3.50 at the book sale extravaganza! I was pretty proud walking out to the parking lot.
So, when I walked through the living room into the kitchen this morning, my hubby was sitting at the table eating his cinnamon rolls I made and drinking coffee "listening" to the TV. The tube(if it has one) finally went out this morning. I turned the fan on in the living room because it had a bad burn-y after smell. Long story short we are going this evening to purchase a new one and I am SO excited because there is a good chance that with the reception on our new TV I may just be watching Antiques Roadshow this evening!!!!!!! I haven't been able to watch it since the whole "change over" to digital TV came about last year because we can't pick up channel 8 anymore with our rabbit ears! The new TV won't require the use of our loving converter box because it will be DTV ready. So... wish me luck!
To top off a wonderful morning, my Granddaddy came by right as I was getting back to work from the library and dentist and asked if I could go eat lunch with him... Well Yeah! I just don't turn down lunch with Granddaddy.. he even let me drive his car. Luckily.
Like Kermit the Frog said "Rainbows have nothing to hide" :)
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