Monday, May 10, 2021

Miniature Antique Bathtub

 Simple is as simple does and you cant get much more simple than this little antique "galvanized" bathtub.

I used a bottle of Dawn and just cut along the natural curve of the bottle.  After that it was only painting.  And speaking of painting... when I am cleaning up my mess after a project like this, it is amazing how many different bottles of paint I use!  To get this look I had four shades of gray, white, black, gunmetal with a shimmer and silver with a shimmer, and also brown and another brown for the wash.  That's nine bottles of paint to get the look I wanted.  lol!  Well the mess was worth it.  Have a wonderful day!

I painted on a coat of Mod Podge and let it dry before painting the tub.

This is a layer of chalk paint.


  1. Amazing the realism you get in surprising found materials. You have a good eye.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Love it going to try thanks

  4. I’m going to try this.. step 1 already done, I’ve cut out the tub shape from my Dawn detergent.. thanks so much for the idea!!❤️


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