Saturday, July 9, 2022

Lilly's Room in a Fun-kin Part 4

 Howdy Do!!  This is the last post in the series of Lilly's Room.  I thought I would share some of the accessories in Lilly's room that I made.  So here goes!

I made a simple coatrack from balsa wood and old sewing hooks.

Of course, she had to have her own dollhouse!  This is why I hang on to scrap wood of all sizes!

I made this little desk from scraps and beads.  The legs are purchased spindles. 
I made her mushroom bookends from clay, paint and tinted sawdust.
Her fabric covered books were made especially for her room in shades of fabric to match her style.
You can find my book tutorial HERE.

This tiny rocking chair has been in my miniature collections for a long time.  It is hand carved.  I just painted it and added some roses.  It is the perfect size for her room.

And this is me reading to Lilly in her room.

This was a really fun project!  
How did you like this series?  
Would you like to see another Fun-Kin build?
I have a couple more that I have done.

Thanks for following along!


  1. Very cute! Lots of little ideas. Yes, other fun-kins would be good to see. :0)

  2. OMG, that is absolutely precious! Thanks, now I'm hooked 😄

  3. Esta quedando maravillosa.
    Un saludo

  4. Absolutely love your fun-kins! Please show us more!


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